1. Users of this service are not exempted from meeting the general conditions of use of attractions and the specific access requirements for each attraction.
2. The specific safety measures of each attraction will be applied to all users, and additionally, in certain attraction users must have the physical ability to grip with both hands and keep their back straight. For example, El Desafío, Anaconda, Las Llamas, Jaguar, Iguazú and Rápidos del Orinoco.
3. Season passes marked with “Acceso preferente” (preferential access) and the wrist band identifying this service are personal and non-transferable.
4. Identification wrist band are valid only on the day they are placed.
5. Attractions shall be entered through the exit lane and the operations staff shall be contacted, you can never enter the cars or their transit areas until you have been duly authorised.
6. Disabled visitors must identify themselves as authorised users of the preferential access service by means of the coloured wrist band, or in the case of Season Pass holders, by means of the “PREF” stamp on their Season Pass.
7. Joint access of a family group is possible in some attractions (La Flota Mercante, La Travesía, Anaconda, Navío Barbarroja, Tren del Potosí, Iguazú, los Toneles, Capitán Balas, Dimensión 4, Rápidos del Orinoco and Zum Zum las Abejitas). They must always go together with the disabled visitor and there is a maximum of 4 family members. Service subject to availability.
8. The capacity of each attraction, as far as passengers with reduced mobility is concerned, is very limited for security reasons. This will vary depending on the attraction and other operational circumstances. The staff operating the attraction will provide further information on this issue, as well as of any other of interest at the time of access. In all cases, remember that is mandatory that every disabled visitor must be accompanied by another person that can help him or her.
9. In the case of intellectually disabled persons, remember that is very important to ensure that the visitor has understood correctly all instructions for the safe use of the attraction, either directly or through the person assisting him or her.
10. La repetición en el uso de la atracción solo estará permitida en caso de baja afluencia de público, a juicio del personal de Isla Mágica.
11. Improper use of this service by the beneficiary may result in its cancellation. Isla Magica reserves the right to suspend the preferential access service for operational, safety or technical reasons or for any other Isla Magica may deem appropriate.
12. In the case of shows, preferential access will be granted to individuals with reduced mobility (PRM), individuals in wheelchairs, individuals with intellectual disabilities over 33%, and those with exceptional circumstances not expressly mentioned in this section. Please note that the claimed condition must be verified by the Visitor Service Office of Isla Mágica. Preferential access due to disability includes provision for a companion.
13. Use of this service implies accepting its conditions of use. Such conditions of use will be displayed in the Visitor Assistance office of Isla Magica theme park.